Plasma, Gasification, Melting and Closed Cycle of CO2 Technology - PGMCC Technology
PGMCC Technology provides the environmentally safe processing of solid household and industrial waste and biomass with electric power and heat generation and production of useful products on the basis of High-temperature Plasma Technology, Methanation Technology and CO2 Utilization Technologies. PGMCC Technology is not a simple combination of Technologies. Innovating integration of High-Temperature Plasma, Methanation and CO2 Utilization Technologies and the convergence of these technologies provides a synergistic effect, namely Eco Emission Closed - Loop Production & Utilizing Cycle with high level of maneuverability of waste processing technological process.
The Complexes that implement the PGMCC technology differ from the existing ones in that they allow not only to process waste without sorting and generate significant amounts of electric power and heat, and produce eco-friendly basalt-like slag, but also to receive metal from waste within the processing of solid municipal and industrial waste, as well as to supply hospitals and medical facilities with oxygen, providing an eco- friendly exhaust emissions of the PGMCC Complexes into the atmosphere. At the same time, the PGMCC Complexes provide high economic efficiency in a wide range of processing productiveness for solid domestic and industrial waste. This corresponds to EU requirements for modern energy generating facilities taking into account restrictions imposed by the Kyoto Protocol. Thus the projects for the construction of Complexes on the basis of PGMCC technology are specified as promising and innovative.
The use of innovative solutions during development of new-generation fast plasma reactors allows the following tasks to be realized with the help of the PGMCC Complexes:
- to ensure the processing of solid municipal and industrial waste with significantly lower energy costs (4 times) compared with existing plants and complexes for the processing of solid municipal and industrial waste;
to provide an increase in the productivity of a plasma reactor without increasing its physical volume due to the expandable block structure of the plasma modules of the opposing-vortex treatment of waste;
to exclude from the Complex equipment configuration of the cleaning system of pyrolysis gas from furans and dioxins, since these toxic substances are not formed in the new type of plasma reactors;
- ensure the processing of waste with waste moisture up to 80% (usually, for high-temperature plasma processing complexes and low-temperature pyrolysis systems requirements for humidity limit value is 40%);
- to receive oxygen and cleaned water due to gas conversion.
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PGMCC Technology by Int-Energia Kft. and Metaplasma S.L.
Fast Plasma Technology and Gas Conversion
The basis of the PGMCC Complex creation is fast plasma gasification technology, that provides solid waste and biomass destruction at atomic-molecular level in the plasma reactor without to atmospheric air access by heating it up to 2000°C bulk temperature and not less than 1300°С temperatures in melting zone. At the same time, combustion is excluded and received free atoms and molecules partially settle down and part of them (heavy molecules) is taken to the melt and another part (light atoms and molecules) is sublimated as pyrolysis gas. At that the composition of utilized material is of no importance.
During the fast plasma gasification process melting occurs and environmentally friendly and chemically resistant basalt-like slag is produced, that can be used as a construction material, and as well as pyrolysis gas - a combustible gas, the main components of which are the CO and H2. A significant part of toxic compounds of heavy metals would be encapsulated in basalt-like slag.
The obtained pyrolysis gas is subjected to gas conversion. The produced methane, as a result of gas conversion, is compressed and accumulated. The accumulated methane is used for supplying to external consumers and for the production of electric power and heat. Oxygen obtained as a result of electrolysis is supplied to external consumers.
Algae technology
Algae are the most fast-growing plants on the Earth: their mass can increase many times within one day. Besides, they have an extra unique feature. They contain up to 50% of oil which is very important for production of various useful products. Algae have obvious advantage as biological raw material: they produce enormously high “crops” without using of active agricultural lands for their cultivation. Simultaneously, algae cultivation can solve ecological problems related with utilizing of carbon dioxide emitted by industry because CO2 is used for algae feeding.
Algae biomass is used for the following purposes:
- Algae as human food;
- Algae as poultry feed;
- Algae as animal feed.
For more information about Algae as food and feed in English
For more information about Algae as food and feed in Hungarian
For more information about Algae as food and feed in Portuguese