Application of Algae as Food and Feed Products
Algae applicability for the human

Algae is a source of vitamins for the human

Poultry Farming
Effect from the use of algae as a feeding to chickens at a proportion of 5% - 10% of the standard chicken diet:
chickens fed with algae biomass consumed 10% less food;
chicken serum cholesterol levels were significantly lower;
egg yolks of chickens fed with algae have reduced cholesterol levels (by 10%);
higher growth rates;lower mortality.

Pig Breeding
Effect from the use of algae in the diet of pigs:
time is reduced rearing of young animals by 12%;
decreases the amount of food daily ration of 50% (1 kg is equivalent to the traditional feed 250 g + 250 g of algal biomass feed);
Improves the quality of the meat, as food: lower cholesterol and increase the protein content.

Cattle Breeding
Effect from the use of algae in the diet of cattle:
increased live weight gain;
increase in milk production 10%;
reduces the maturation of young at 2 to 3 months;
reduced mortality.